17 February 2007

Russian army...

Bar coding To Save Lives. The safety of hospital patients would be improved if they were barcoded. That's the conclusion of a recent trial, which showed fewer mistakes were made by staff when patients' medical details were recorded on bar-coded wristbands.

Recruits Sold For Sex By The Army. The Russian army is reportedly investigating claims that young recruits were forced to work as male prostitutes in St Petersburg. It is the latest in a series of scandals to hit the military in Russia. You may find some of the pictures distressing.

Paraglider's Miracle Escape. A German paraglider has survived after flying into a storm that took her to an altitude higher than Mount Everest. Here she speaks for the first time about her ordeal.

Those were the headlines for today. This has to be the first time that I have heard of the fact that the Russian army is also operating as a pimp. They are not using their female soldiers as prostitutes, however, no, they have invented something far more strange. They are using their young, probably very handsome, male recruits. The boys are forced, sometimes even tortured, into prostitution. According to the video, daily abuse of recruits is comon in the Russian army, and the video gets very graphical here. I feel so sorry for the boys. One more reason for me to say: Don't forget to love a soldier.

Oh, and whatever you do... don't forget to say yes to Hillary Clinton as the next president of the U.S.A. They need her woman's touch more then ever. Love, Jenifer. bloomjenifer@yahoo.co.uk

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