09 January 2007

Country for sale...

A German court sentences Motassadeq to 15 years in jail for aiding September 11 Attackers.

The world's smallest "country" is going on the chopping block. The self-proclaimed sovereign principality of Sealand, built atop a World War II artillery platform in the North Sea, is for sale for the whopping price tag of $977 million. Its price tag and remote accessibility would make it perfect for a James Bond villain.

A U.S. submarine and a Japanese merchant ship collided in the Arabian Sea, the U.S. Navy and Japan's Kyodo News agency said Tuesday. It was pure luck that no one was seriously injured. That is what U.S. and Japanese technology is all about these days: Opposites attrack.

Those were the headlines for today. You are excused if you've never heard of the principality of Sealand. I had never heard of it before also. Yes, I heard of New Sealand, which is close to Australia, and of the province Zeeland, which is a province of The Netherlands, but Sealand. No, sorry. But it is an independent country, somewhere in the North Sea, and it is for SALE. The country is about the size of an oil platform. It has it's own money, stamps, passport etc. and comes with loads and loads of seawater. If you like your privacy, and who doesn't these days, and you're not short of cash, then why don't you concider buying Sealand.

But, to be honest, I couldn't care less if you buy this country, as long as you don't forget to: Love a soldier. Love, Jenifer Bloom. bloomjenifer@yahoo.co.uk

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.