21 January 2007

Pig farmer kills lots of woman...

Mexico has extradited a purported drug cartel boss and three other alleged major traffickers to the United States, a move that Washington on Saturday called "unprecedented" in the cross-border fight against organized crime.

Kidnappers grabbed six Filipino workers off a merchant ship Saturday in the latest hostage-taking in Nigeria's restive southern oil-producing region, officials said.

A Vancouver pig farmer is accused of murdering six women. Marnie Frey's remains were unearthed on a pig farm in Port Coquitlam, on the outskirts of Vancouver. The farm belonged to Robert Pickton, known as "Uncle Willie," a pig farmer well-known for the parties that he threw for prostitutes and bikers at his quasi- legal drinking club, the Piggy Palace. Investigators dug up the remains of one woman after another, from body parts to minute traces of DNA, until the count came to 30. Four could not be identified. The other 26 were among the names of 67 women who had disappeared from the Downtown Eastside streets. On Monday Mr. Pickton goes on trial for six murders, the only cases in which body parts survive.

Those were the headlines for today. Uncle Willie was a busy man. He probably killed around 67 woman, although only remains of 30 were found on his farm. According to the story I read, this is far worse then any horror movie I've ever seen, or probably will see. Robert Pickton, did not only kill the woman, no, he also fed them to his pigs. And word on the street is, that human flesh even ended up in the regular foodchain. How sick can you be? Why do people have to be so cruel to each other. What goes on in their minds? I'm a very big fan of CSI, no matter in which place they are, and I feel sorry for the police officers who had to investigate Mr. Pickton. You need a very, very strong stomach if you are being called to a lunatic case like this. And don't forget the surviving family members. How can they cope with such an animal. The scary part here is, as far as I'm concerned, that this guy has to be insane. And, if you're insane, you will not end up in a regular prison, but in a mad house. Thus, he will be alowed to escape back into the general population sooner or later. Scary. Better to avoid Vancouver pig farmers for the time being.

But, as usual, I really, really don't care whatever you do, for whatever reason, as long as you don't forget... Love a soldier. Love, Jenifer Bloom. bloomjenifer@yahoo.co.uk

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