17 January 2007

Who killed princess Diana?

A storm blamed for at least 41 deaths in six states spread into the Northeast on Monday, coating trees, power lines and roads with a shell of ice up to a half-inch thick and knocking out power to more than half a million homes and businesses.

Pakistan's soldiers backed by attack helicopters destroyed three suspected al-Qaida hideouts near the Afghan border on Tuesday and killed a number of the militants, which included foreigners, an army spokesman said.

A judge in Britain ruled Monday that she alone would determine what caused the deaths of Princess Diana and her boyfriend, rejecting arguments that a jury was the best way to ensure justice. And we all know what the outcome of this inquiry will be, won't we?

Those were the headlines for today. What a thoughtful judge there in England. A jury is not allowed to say that Diana's death was caused by a conspiracy, but a judge can, so she will determine alone what cased her death. You can't honnestly expect that the outcome of this inquiry will be that prince Philip had something to do with her death, because that would be the end of the Kingdom. Even after 10 years, Diana is still very popular, and the general audience demands to know what has happened. And they will never know. This is one case of: it's better not to know. You don't want to throw a complete nation into chaos, and let the heir to the crown lock up, won't you? The best thing you do is just keep thinking whatever you think that has happened. If you believe it was a regular car accident, fine by me. If you think it was a conspiracy against Diana becoming a part of the Muslim world, it's fine by me also. It's up to you.

But, as usual, I don't care whatever you do, for whatever reason, as long as you don't forget: Love a soldier. Love, Jenifer Bloom. bloomjenifer@yahoo.co.uk

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