07 January 2007

Steamy footage...

YouTube Ordered to Block Steamy Footage of Brazilian Model. A Brazilian judge has ordered YouTube to find a way to stop Brazilians from viewing steamy footage of supermodel Daniela Cicarelli and her boyfriend on the highly trafficked video-sharing site, court officials said Thursday.

Chirac Blasts U.S.-Led Invasion of Iraq. French President Jacques Chirac gave a tough, cutting analysis of the fallout from the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003, saying it destabilized the entire Middle East, and allowed terrorism to spread. You see, the French are not that stupid.

Ken Barnes, the great american sailor, is rescued after spending 3 days adrift off Chile's coast. Great. Fantastic. I hope that they will lock him up, and throw away the keys when he comes home. He needs to be protected from his own stupidities.

Those were the headlines for today. You see, the French are smarter then most other people. They realized before invading Iraq that it wasn't a good idea. They said so then. They say so today. The Americans got very upset with them, and banned French Fries from their menus, that is to say, they renamed them, as they would still like to eat them, but hated to be reminded to the fact that they were called: "French Fries". But if only president Bush and his friends had paid some attention to why the French thought that it would be a very bad idea to invade Iraq, a lot of the current problems could have been avoided. A lot of Arabs use as their second language French and that is not a coincident. French influence in that region is big, and they know very well what can and what can't be done there. There are some similarities between Arabs and Southeast Asians: one of them is: the don't fight wars in a way easily understandable for Americans. They don't play by the book, probably because they have never read it, or they couldn't care less. And now president Bush is concidering sending even more troops into Baghdad. The best thing he can do is get out as soon as possible.

But, as usual, I don't care whatever you do, and for whatever reason, as long as you don't forget to love a soldier. Love, Jenifer. bloomjenifer@yahoo.co.uk

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