18 January 2007

Rebels eat gorillas...

Rebels in eastern Congo have killed and eaten two silverback mountain gorillas, conservationists said Wednesday, warning they fear more of the endangered animals may have been slaughtered in the lawless region. Why don't those rebels eat chicken like normal people?

A year after disclosure of a domestic spying program, that President Bush said was within his authority to operate, the administration shifted its position, and said it would seek the approval of an independent panel of federal judges.

And finally for today: The scientists who mind the Doomsday Clock moved it two minutes closer to midnight on Wednesday -- symbolizing the annihilation of civilization and adding the perils of global warming for the first time.

Those were the headlines for today. Rebels are eating gorillas. How sick can you be? A gorilla is as close as you can get, without actually eating a human. Are there no other animals for them to eat, or are they so hungry that they will eat anything they see? Do realize that there are less then a thousand of those silverback mountain gorillas left, and the last thing they should have to worry about is being eaten by humans. Shame on those rebels.

A bit late perhaps, but president Bush finally realized that you need court orders to spy on people. His administration promised to solve the problems it had created by using telephone records of millions of people. I think for once the American people should be proud of their administration, and of president Bush. Admitting mistakes is one of the most difficult, and humiliating things one has to do, and they just did that. Staying in America: don't forget to apply for a passport if you want to fly overseas. You won't be able to get back into the U.S.A. without a valid passport. Don't be afraid, everyone else in the world needs a passport to go and visit other countries, and it hasn't stopped a lot of people from traveling.

And, as usual, I really, really don't care whatever you do, for whatever reason, as long as you don't forget... love a soldier. Love, Jenifer Bloom. bloomjenifer@yahoo.co.uk

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