03 December 2006

Afghan opium cultivation grows 61 percent

Opium poppy cultivation shot up a whopping 61 percent in Afghanistan this year in a setback for US and NATO efforts to clamp down on the country's illegal drug industry, according to new figures released by the White House.

There are a number of reasons for this setback for the United States and its allies. Let me explain it to you in plain and simple English why ANY effort from outsiders will face recistance in Afghanistan.
  • The Afghan people are, like most other people from other countries, a proud people, and fiercely independent. They are doing what they think is right. What they think is right might not always be the opinion of the rest of the world, but such is life.
  • The Russians fought a war against the Afghan people and had to leave in defeat. Of course, they lost from the Afghan people, mostly due to Rambo, the American soldier who created serious problems for the Russians.
  • Opium is a very high profit crop. For everyone involved. It does not matter if you are the farmer or the final distributor at street level, each and everyone is making a decent profit from opium. That the product is illegal is just a minor problem.
  • The value of opium, and everything which is produced from opium, will remain high as long as the products are illegal. And thus, as a result, farmers will keep planting this crop because it brings in the needed cash for their communities.

If the U.S. and the NATO are serious about fighting this illegal crop, and fighting terrorism in Afghanistan, then they will have to come up with an alternative for all people involved. It does not make sence to declair something illegal, and then leave the people without a source of income.

One of the things they could do is introduce them to Mark Warren, a handsome guy I met in a coffee shop while I was playing around at the internet. He has developed a program called: "The Ultimate Wealth Package", a package that allows ordinary people like you and me to earn a decent income, right here from home, never have to go to Afghanistan to start with.

What ever you do: don't forget to love a soldier. Love, Jenifer Bloom. bloomjenifer@yahoo.co.uk

1 comment:

neiltat said...

The opium trade figures are never going to go down it makes you wonder whether the US government actually makes money from it, we know it keeps the warlords quiet as its their main source of wealth.
The amount of heroin on the streets will only increase.