03 December 2006

Wolf hater admits poisoning protected species...

A very nasty man, who happens an apponent of the governments plan to reestablish the gray wolf in parts of the U.S. admitted that he poisoned some of the animals. If there is one thing that I really hate, then it is cruelty to animals. We people are supposed to protect animals, make sure that they are still around for our great, great, great grandchildren to enjoy. I'm not even going to try to understand this coward. If you start to poison animals, then what can we expect if this person is placed near little children?

My advice to the judge who will have to sentence this guy sooner or later: 5 x live, plus a bonus of an extra 20 years. Make sure he will never ever be able to hurt an animal again.

Thankfully, I have friends who are a lot better then that guy. At SMS.ac for instance, I have around 610 friends, who I love dearly. One of my friends, Mark Warren, helped me out when I needed help most. My videos, yes like the one above this message, were not grossing a lot of money, and Mark introduced me to his Ultimate Wealth Package. The videos are still not grossing to much, but at least I'm making money in other ways.

I bought myself some new underwear today. A nice red bra, which can double as a shopping bag. Comes in very handy if you, like me, forget to bring a bag when you go shopping. If you want to see my new underwear: just look at my video.

Don't forget: LOVE A SOLDIER. Love, Jenifer. bloomjenifer@yahoo.co.uk

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