17 December 2006

Person of the year

A fire erupted in a wedding tent in eastern Pakistan, triggering a stampede and the collapse of a wall that killed 27 women and children, police said Sunday. The bride was among the dead.

Japan's conservative government chipped away at two pillars of the country's postwar pacifism, requiring schools to teach patriotism, and upgrading the Defense Agency to a full ministry, for the first time since World War II.

You are "Person of the Year". You were named TIME magazine's "Person of the Year" on Saturday for the explosive growth, and influence of user-generated Internet sites, such as YouTube, SMS.ac, and MySpace. You were chosen over Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, North Korea's Kim Jong Il and former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. Congratulations.

Those were the headlines for today. Asuming that with "you" CNN means: "Jenifer Bloom", as I was the one they were speaking to, thus assuming that, then I'm person of the year. And I'm very happy with that. No, seriously, we as a collective have proven to be more influential then all those important people. We have learned to speak up for ourselves. And we are heard, around the world. And, I, Jenifer Bloom, will make sure that I will be heard of, every day again, and again. Speak to you again tomorrow.

But, as usual, I don't care whatever you do, and for whatever reason you do it, as long as you don't forget to love a soldier. Love, Jenifer. bloomjenifer@yahoo.co.uk.

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