13 December 2006

Government appeals currency redesign...

Car bomb kills at least 10 Iraqis.

President George W. Bush decides on the direction of Iraq policies.

U.S. Government appeals currency redisign. An effort to force a redesign of the nation's currency, so paper money could be more easily used by the blind, would be too expensive, and could cause undue hardships on the vending machine industry, the Bush administration says. Aha, a vending machine is more important then a blind person!

Video game's religious wars prompt uproar. Targeted largely at conservative Christians, it's a violent video game with a difference: Combatants on one side pause for prayer, and their favored interjection is "Praise the Lord."

Those were the headlines for today. Out of all the countries I have visited, the U.S. is the only country where all demoniations of its paper currency have the same color and the same size. All other countries have color coded their currencies, introduced different sizes, embedded special signs for the blind to recognize etc. Are the citizens of all those other countries stupid? Or do they have a reason for this? And a couple of years ago almost the whole of Europe switched from their national currencies to the Euro. (The U.K. didn't). No one thought: oh this is an undue hardship for the European vending machine industry. It was a given fact, and they had to comply with it. The blind are people also, with the same rights as you and me. Give them proper access to printed currencies please.

But, to be honest with you, I don't care whatever you do, as long as you don't forget: Love a soldier. Love, Jenifer Bloom. bloomjenifer@yahoo.co.uk

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