20 December 2006

India toughens laws to prevent child marriages

India tightened laws against child marriage on Tuesday, with priests, police or local leaders facing jail and fines if they permit the widespread but illegal practice. Renuka Chowdhury, minister for women and children, said the Prohibition of Child Marriage Bill 2006 passed on Tuesday gives protection to tens of thousands of children forced into marriage every year.

"When we tell our children that they cannot vote when they are 15 years of age, we do not allow them to drive or to drink, then how is it that we think that they are capable of getting married?," Chowdhury asked the Lok Sabha.

It is strange isn't it, to arrange for your child to marry on such a young age. Before they know what love is. Before they are actually interested in the opposite sex. The reason is not clear to me: Are there not enough suitable partners, thus the ratio boys/girls is off balance, so one has to marry a partner as soon as one is spotted. Is it economically stability where the parents are looking for? I really don't know.
What I do know, from documentaries and articles, is that the girls have to move to her husbands family's home, and most of the time she will not have a very good time. I'm happy. I'm 26 years old, and no one told me, or is going to tell me, that I have to marry. That is up to me. And that is how it should be every where in the world. Don't spoil your child's youth by asking him/her to act as a grown-up. Childhood is short enough to start with.
But, as usual, I don't care whatever you do, for whatever reason, as long as you don't forget to love a soldier. Love, Jenifer Bloom. bloomjenifer@yahoo.co.uk

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am from India working in Dubai now,the comment u stated towards the end of this article is far from reality.Yes i accept child marriage is an issue in India..but it happens in remote places,where people are illiterates and ecomomically very backward.Now India is developed and it is about time, the myth that westerners have about India has to change.Because this country turns out the more people who are serving in other countries working in the technology field,as scientists,doctors,lawyers...You say that the bride has to live with the grooms parents in their home..but if u see the sucess rate of Indian marriage it is high.I am not debating your conviction but i want to tell u the reality is far from the presumptions the west have on India