08 December 2006

Hezbollah vows end to Lebanon government

Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah promised thousands of supporters Thursday that they would eventually bring down Lebanon's Western-backed government, but the prime minister vowed to stand firm against protesters.

They really don't like westerners there, in the middle east it is. And I have no idea why that is the case. We've made them rich beyond believe. We pay a lot of money for their oil, and without our money the only 2 things they would have is: a lot of sand (which is worthless) and a lot of oil.

No Westerners in Lebanon, or any where near by, like Israel. To dangerous for their culture. They kill an awful lot of people, under the disguise of their religion. Note, that I say disguise, because the real reason is simple: power. Who ever holds the power, controls the money.

The current situation in Lebanon is NOT good. It threatens to destroy the country, and since Hezbollah is connected to Syria and Iran, countries who are not known for their love of Westerners, it will bring a lot of uncertainty, and more violence to the region. My father always told me: "if there will be a World War III, it will start in the Middle East".

Lets get our act together, and live together in peace and harmony, no matter which religion you worship. No matter wether you are rich or poor. Killing innocent people, in Iraq, Lebanon or anywhere else on this planet is so unbelieveble low, I can't imagine that anyone wants to do that.

Don't forget: Love a soldier. (If you love a soldier, you'r less likely to kill him, right?) Love, Jenifer. bloomjenifer@yahoo.co.uk

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