01 December 2006

U.S. rates travelers for terror risk.

It seems that the United States, yes the only country in the world which believes firmly in freedom for all, is rating travelers from around the world for more then 4 years.

The purpose of this rating is to access each persons risk of being a terrorist. To a certain degree I understand the U.S., as they are under a constant threat of terror attacks.

However it does not compute to rate someone as a possible terrorist, just because he/she likes to sit at the emergency exit, orders halal food and does a lot of traveling for his job.

It might be better just to ask each traveler to give an honnest answer to the question: do you pose a threat to the U.S., its allies or its citizens, today, or at any possible future date. And if so, what are you planning to do.

This question could be asked on one of the numerous forms one has to fill in traveling to and from the U.S.

On a more serious note: it might be very dangerous to rate innocent people as possible terrorists, as this will create a lot of resistance to the country, and when people are loosing their jobs, as a direct result of the assessment of the U.S., one can only imagine what he / she will do to seek revence.

Do not forget: look at my video. It's posted right here on top of the page, you can't miss it. It's FREE. Further, don't forget to Love A Soldier, where ever he lives in this world. Love, Jenifer. bloomjenifer@yahoo.co.uk


Unknown said...

I Jennifer I was directed to your Blog site from SMS.AC.

I have a couple of comments and questions about your blog. I enjoyed reading it. I found it very interesting.

I can see that you understand the need for the USA to be vigilante in terms of who they let in the country; however some of your comments are, to me, a little illogical.

The first comment I would like to make it that you say “This question could be asked on one of the numerous forms one has to fill in traveling to and from the U.S.”. I assume you are referring to a Visa Application

Perhaps you may not be aware of this but there a number of Countries, Australia Canada, and I think the United Kingdom, where you don’t need a Visa to visit the USA. You just buy an air ticket a go there. No questions asked.

Therefore as there would be potentially a hundred million people that could very easily travel to the USA without any questions via a Visa. Therefore it is entirely logical that the USA is doing “Profiling”, to safeguard itself.

Also too, perhaps being a little tired, I am a little baffled that if there is more stringent visa assessment, how, would make people loose their jobs? I would suggest such would give people (in the USA at least) more jobs. I cannot find any evidence to support this assertion, that more stringent entry controls in the USA would have affect, negative effect on employment rates in overseas countries. This is of course I what I have understood you are in fact saying.

Simply, I cannot understand how reduced travel to the USA would create unemployment in other countries. Is there evidence of this. I am intrigue and I would be happy for you to direct me to any information on the web that supports this assertion.

Jenifer Bloom said...

Dear John,

Sometimes it might be that I'm illogical, specifically when my opinions are made without thinking to much.

Of course it's up to the U.S. to decide how to protects it's national borders, and who to allow in. Running a program that invades the privacy of millions of people does however outrage me, and if I read the newspapers correctly, a lot of other people. But, having said that: no one will ever force me to go to the United States so personally, I couldn't care less. But I feel sorry for all those people who are caught in this system, which CAN have serious concequences for some of them.

Love, Jenifer.