06 December 2006

Helicopter pilots attempt pole-to-pole journey.

Two British-based pilots set off into a blue Texas sky on Tuesday on their second attempt to fly around the world via the North and South poles in a helicopter, one of the last great unaccomplished feats of aviation.
The expedition will take over five months, covering around 36,000 nautical miles and making 126 fuel stops in over 30 countries, before coming back to Fort Worth in Texas next May.

"Why do you climb a mountain? It's all about the challenge," Jennifer Murray, 66, one of the pair, told Reuters when asked why she had undertaken such an expedition.
Those 60+ year olds, baby boomers, are doing things normal people would not even concider doing. NBC's Nightly News, presented by Brian Williams, had some remarkable reports on baby boomers activities this year. But I think this tops all of it. "It's all about the challenge", yeh sure. Or does it has something to do with being afraid of getting older? The need to keep proving that you are still capable of doing insane things.
Did Jennifer Murray ever think of what her family will go through during the next 5 months. Expecting that horrible telephone call any second, at which time they are informed of a helicopter crash. Those things do happen to drop out of the sky, you know.
I think it would be a better idea if people would lock her up, and throw away the key, until she reaches such an age that flying in a helicopter becomes impossible.
Actually, I don't care whatever you do, as long as you don't forget: LOVE A SOLDIER. Love, Jenifer Bloom. bloomjenifer@yahoo.co.uk

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