25 December 2006

Could Usama Bin Laden have been killed?

U.N. official pleads guilty to bribery charges. Nishan Kohli has pleaded guilty to providing a former U.N. procurement officer with cash, and pricey Manhattan real estate, in exchange for help, winning more than $65 million in contracts with the world body, a U.S. attorney said Thursday.

The French Defense Ministry strenuously denied a report Thursday, that its special forces in Afghanistan twice had Al Qaeda leader Usama bin Laden in their sights, but did not get the go-ahead to kill him.

Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert agreed Saturday to release $100 million in frozen funds, to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, and ease West Bank travel restrictions, goodwill gestures that revived hopes for a resumption of peace talks, after years of hostility and distrust.

Those were the headlines for today. Oh, I almost forgot: CIA gave terror warning against the Canal tunnel to France. According to the CIA it will be more then likely that a terrorist attack will be aimed against the Canal tunnel. Both the French and the British are taking step to avoid any mishaps. Let me explain something to you here: any mode of transportation, or any structure which handles large amounts of people, is a possible target for terrorist attacks. You can do either 2 things: 1 Be very careful and go on with your life, or 2 get so scared that you ruin your social life. By giving this warning, the CIA it self made a terrorist attack to the Canal tunnel, and all those people who are possible going to use it, to go to or from England to mainland Europe. The CIA just scared millions of people, not just a little bit, no people are scared seriously. And is that not what terror is all about. Not just about killing people. No, terror is also about scaring those who didn't die. And that is exactly what people like Usama Bin Laden wants to happen. Chaos, and more chaos. By giving warnings like these, against individual targets, or complete countries like Indonesia, one doesn't safe lives, but do create serious economical damage to the intended targets. The terrorists couldn't have done it better them selves. Let everyone just go one with their lives, and be careful whatever you do, where ever you go. It does not make a lot of difference for you personally if you get killed by a bomb or by a speeding car. Your dead in both cases. And if you are anything like me, just avoid lots of people, as large groups of people are per definition dangerous. With or without terrorists in attendence.

But, as usual, I don't care whatever you do, as long as you don't forget: love a soldier. Love, Jenifer. bloomjenifer@yahoo.co.uk

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Again I stand in wonderment where you get your facts Jenifer.

You speak of a CIA travel alert on the Euro Tunnel or Channel Tunnel (The rail link between England and France).

You imply that the CIA is at fault for telling people there could be a threat of terrorism.

I would like to know where such an alert was issued,

I did a web search of the US department of State for Travel Warnings There was nothing about travel warnings for the Channel Tunnel.

I did a web search on the UK Foreign office travel advisory site. Again there were no warnings about the Channel Tunnel anywhere.

I did a web search on the MI5 website (the English equivalent of the CIA), there was nothing.

I did a web search at the BBC.co.uk. This is one the world’s premier sources of news and information. There was absolutely nothing on an alleged issued CIA Terror alert for the channel tunnel.

I also did a web search on the Euro tunnel Website, and again there was no warning or any reference to any such alerts. One would assume with any businesses understanding of legal liability, if such an alert existed you would definitely find it there. Also if such an alert existed you would see assurances of safety on this web site too. Nothing here either.

Your opinions in this area have some merit. Yes, people have to go on with their lives. People cannot and should not be paralyzed with fear so that cannot lead there normal lives.

However at you claimed to be a news site. Do not create fantasy to press your point.

Such shows that you are prejudiced against the CIA and you want to denigrate them and when there is no basis in the facts you use to do so. Clearly there are most likely actual cases where the CIA is embarrased, but certain not this.

If there is, (or was) a real CIA warning, I think I should have been able to find it on internet in the areas where I looked.

If there is EVIDENCE that you can direct me too that supports this story of yours (CIA issued terror warning the for the channel Tunnel) please show me and I will offer you my most heartfelt and humble apologies.

If there no evidence of such, I fail to understand what the possible purpose was to purport fiction as fact. These circumstances are just as bad as the Belgium experience; (16 December) let me quote you Jenifer

“Staging a fake revolution is a very dangerous thing to do. You never know who believes it, and jumps on the band wagon, killing people along the way.”

Jenifer, I would say that “staging false news” is also a very dangerous thing to do… You may never know who believes it...

I hope you have a great Christmas and a wonderful new year.
