29 December 2006

Trial Playboy Indonesia's editor closed to public...

Saddam Likely to Be Hanged Before New Year.

50 Unpaid Child Laborers Freed in India. Twelve-year-old Bhola worked more than 15 hours a day for two years, without being paid, or allowed to visit his parents. On Thursday, a local non-governmental organization freed him and 49 other such children.

Islamic Hardliners Outraged as Trial of Playboy Indonesia's Editor Is Closed to the Public. The trial of Playboy Indonesia's editor-in-chief was closed to the public Thursday, angering dozens of Islamic hard-liners, who threatened to break down the courtroom doors, if they are not granted access to the proceedings. The picture says it all. The red cover, on the left, is Playboy Indonesia. Need I say more?

Those were the headlines for today. According to the article I read on the Playboy Indonesia's editor, and just have a look at their one and only cover which I reproduced as the tumbnail for this entry, Playboy Indonesia was a much watered down version from the American one, or for that matter, any western country's edition. No nudety at all. The article continued saying that, although illegal, porn movies on VCD and DVD are openly on sale in many places in Indonesia, and many magazines published are sexually for more graphically then Playboy Indonesia ever would be. The problem here is that Playboy is seen as one of Westerns great icons, representing in this case everything what is rejectable. Indonesia is home to the largest Muslim population on earth, and most of them are practizing their religion in a moderate manner. There are however hardliners who are seriously trying to go back to the basics. For all those people who are so opposed to sexy looking girls I have one question. Where do babies come from in Indonesia? Are they bought in a supermarket, or were they preceded by some serious sex between husband and wife? Don't tell me that I can't be proud of my body. And not everything that comes from the West equals bad influence.

And I'm afraid that Saddam is going to die very, very soon. His lawyer made a very reasonable request to all countries in the world by requesting that Saddam would not be handed over to the Iraqi authorities. He is, so argued the lawyer, a prisoner of war, and should not be handed over to his enemies. My best guess is that the Americans will hand him over, as soon as they can, and get it over with. But I think, that hanging Saddam would be a very, very big mistake. That could be the prelude to a very serious, filled with much violence, period. Hanging Saddam could make living and working in major cities around the world dangerous.

But as usual, I don't care whatever you do, and for whatever reason, as long as you don't forget: love a soldier. Love, Jenifer. bloomjenifer@yahoo.co.uk

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